Monday, September 8, 2014

Judo was MUCH better today!

I know some people who follow my blog (if there ARE any) are wondering what's going on. Red Fox is offshore, so I've been using my blog to post photos for him to see instead of emailing them.

(Also, I plan to go for a run tomorrow! Now that you know, I feel obligated to go!)

Learning how to slap the mats

A little help from Sensei

A pinning demo

He was actually paying attention!

His turn to try

Trying to get each other down

Tug of war fun at the end of practice.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


He's in the very farthest corner. you can see the back of his head.
example of him jumping around.
if you look just over the sensei's head you can see Mackenzie "take down" his partner.

Grade 1!