We had a lot to do, but had a lot of help from a lot of people: my dad, my mom, my stepfather, Red Fox's mom, A and L-A and J. Paint, flooring, tile, drywall, plumbing, cleaning moving furniture, taking down wall hangings, etc. We are so grateful for the help. I felt humbled, exposed and a little embarrassed that we needed the help, but I am so thankful that there are people who will help us.
Red Fox and I were at it for a full week, but still didn't get everything finished. The "highlight" of it all for me was when Red Fox dropped his drill bit down the hole for the toilet... his hand was too big to reach it... so... I couldn't find any rubber gloves, so I improvised with a garbage bag. Gag. My mom and stepfather went to the house yesterday to do some finishing touches, staging and to work on the drywall. There's a showing today, so fingers crossed, everyone!
Red Fox and my dad, checking out the status of the furnace
And this is when my headache started...
A and LA fixing up the upstairs bathroom.
My mom
J had the hardest job of us all... entertaining Little Fox for the day! Thanks J!
Split hoses finally fixed.
Me, grouting the new tile in the downstairs bathroom.
We brought quite a bit of stuff back to PEI with us. We went over with one suitcase of clothes... and came back with 4 garbage bags full. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?
We're back at Foxfield now. I'm back at my home office, Little Fox is playing cars next to me, and Red Fox is getting ready to go see his potential boss (yay!!!!).
It's a beautiful, but cold, sunnny day. The calm before the storm? We're expecting 20 cms or more of snow tomorrow.
BIG NEWS! Red Fox is now officially employed! Thank God! We went to McDonalds to celebrate (Little Fox's choice), and as soon as Little Fox is in bed, I'm pouring the wine.
Still no word from our realtor about today's showing, so I guess there wasn't an offer... come one people, make all that work worth it!
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