I have a few New Years Resolutions. One is to run a few 10k races this year. The second is to maintain a record of our lives at our new home here in French River, Prince Edward Island.
So, here begins the blog. It will hopefully tell the story of the Carr's of Foxfield, as well as keeping me honest and motivated with running.
Lets start by introducing the family.
I'm a 30-year-old wife and mother, and my day job is as a marine geologist. I like to read (historical fiction is my go-to genre right now), and I'm trying to like running. I can sew, cook and bake, however I'm not as creative or motivated as I want to be. I'm a Bluenoser living on the Red Island.
My husband (Red Fox) is... we'll say "older than me", and is a great dad to our son. He's trained as an electronics tech, but has a lot of experience doing a lot of things. He also likes reading, however hasn't read much lately.
Our son, Little Fox, is 4. He's talkative, friendly and adaptable. He likes when we read to him, and he loves playing Angry Birds and Bad Piggies on our phones. He has a very expressive face, and I love watching his little expressions when he talks, thinks and plays. He likes to play cars/trucks, and his Cars 2 game on the xbox.
Now for the Foxfield story.
In May of 2012, Red Fox and I purchased an old home and 4 vacation cottages on a beautiful property in PEI.
We spent the summer of 2012 traveling back and forth between our home in Nova Scotia, and the "big house" in PEI. We decided that we wanted to live in the Big House, so late in 2012, I spoke with my boss about continuing to work for the company, but working from home in PEI. He agreed, and I will start that arrangement in January. Meanwhile, Red Fox has been doing a lot of work to the Big House in order to make it comfortably livable. A lot of work remains, but it's coming along.
As for running... In August (I think), I started a Learn-to-Run class. We started with 1 minute intervals of running and walking, and by the end of the summer, we had worked our way up to what was essentially 5k. I signed up for the 5k race at the PEI Marathon, and finished with a time of 30:32.
I've done 2 other un-timed fun-runs since then. I love the races, but find the training/practice runs difficult. Not physically difficult... mentally. The next 5k race is the Resolution Run on New Years Eve... I haven't run since the Santa Shuffle on Dec 1st...
I've been having some trouble with my foot since starting to run, and will be getting orthotics at some point. In the mean time, I'll have to deal with a sore foot during and after runs.
So... in order to reach my 10k goal I think I'll have to register for a 10k race to get my butt in gear. I'll also have to figure out some way of dealing with my foot... hopefully I can get the orthotics sooner rather than later. Thirdly, and to me, most importantly, I have to find something to keep me entertained while running. I'm not sure why, but music doesn't do it for me. Maybe an audiobook. I'm also hoping to try the 10 and 1 minute intervals using the Running Room app on my phone. I want to enjoy running.
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