Monday, May 6, 2013

OK. I jumped on the bandwagon.

I decided that I'd join the rest of the world in the yoga studio.

I was VERY skeptical of yoga. You might laugh, but I thought it was going to be all "spiritual" and ohmmmm and auras...  ok, maybe not auras. But I definitely thought I'd be rolling my eyes.

I also thought I wouldn't like it. I thought it wouldn't be as "work-out-like" as I wanted it to be.

I was wrong. I LOVED IT. It was the perfect work-out for me. My favorite part of any workout is stretching (because I'm good at it!). And while I knew that yoga improved flexibility, I didn't realize that it would take strength to stretch.

I loved that it was an hour during which I was focused only on ME. When I run, my mind wanders, and I still mull over the things that worry me. But in the yoga class, I had to focus on the poses and the breathing and making sure my hips were pointed in the right direction. Nothing else slipped in.

I'm much more flexible than I thought. I've been stretching at home, and I felt about half as flexible as I used to be. But the class made me see that I was expecting myself to be freakishly flexible, which isn't necessary!

I have been in such a good mood since I got home. My body feels the same as it used to after 3 hours of gymnastics. That wonderful exhaustion.

Anyway, loved it, and I'm can't wait to go back next week!


  1. I used to feel the same way after hot just feel forces me to unwind from a stressful day at work. So glad you loved it!!!

  2. Super sore this morning! My upper back and shoulders, mostly! :D
