I'm pretty sure the universe is trying to tell me something. No half for you!
I honestly can't remember what I did previous to Wednesday this week. I'm 90% sure I ran on Monday or Tuesday. But I can't remember.
Wednesday morning, Red Fox left home to meet the boat in Halifax. He's now Sea Fox for another few days. That meant I had to rethink my training schedule. I figured I'd do my long run on friday morning because I wouldn't have anyone to look after Little Fox while I ran if it was on a weekend.
So no run Wednesday morning. Thursday morning I didn't run, but I can't remember why not... Seriously, this week is just a complete blank for me! I think I didn't run because I knew my long run would be the next morning.
So.... thursday night, the furnace broke. I knew it was actually BROKEN because Red Fox put oil in it the morning he left. So I called Silver Fox, who couldn't help, and then I called our friend Andy who basically jumped at the chance to stop making papers. He came prepared, with tool belt and head lamp. He hit the reset button (which mom tried to convince me to do on my own, but I chickend out) and the furnace puked smoke and exhaust fumes into my basement. It continued to do this for about 15 minutes while Andy tried to figure out what was wrong with it. I finally hit the emergency kill switch, and Andy left. I then spent the next hour crying trying to air out the house because I was worried we'd get carbon monoxide poisoning, and because it was REALLY stinky. I set my phone alarm for every 90 minutes so I could put wood in the fire so we'd at least be warm overnight. I checked on Little Fox a million times to be sure he was still breathing warm.
Friday morning finally rolled around, and I was exhausted. I got Little Fox off to school, and then Silver Fox arrived to bring in some wood and to help with the furnace issue. I made what felt like a million calls and finally got a repair man to come. He was great, and had the furnace fixed by noon. By that time, of course, I was "late" for work (I made up some of the hours that evening), and then Little Fox would be home from school, so no run again!
Of course I couldn't run over the weekend, but Little Fox and I sure did have a good time! We went to the movies and skating.
Tomorrow morning, I will do my long run of 8k. TOMORROW MORNING I WILL RUN.
Sea Fox might be home mid-week, so hopefully I can get back on schedule.
Don't bang yourself up about missing a run...it's still early....and life does happen...especially when you have a lot on your plate! You're doing great...you have a goal...you'll get there!!!