Friday, September 13, 2013

Catching up

I know, I know, I haven't posted in over a week! Honestly, nothing very exciting has been going on.

Little Fox is loving school so far. Every day we ask him what he did that day and he said "so much stuff that i can't remember", but then little details will start coming out. Like the good morning song, and the "banana". On Wednesday, the teacher sent home a classroom newsletter that said they were learning about the letter F, the letters in their names, and getting to know each other.

Last night we went to parent information night, and it was quite informative, actually. They told us about their daily schedule and school programs, and met the nurse and the counselor. They gave us some info about Beavers, which I think we'll register for. I also spoke to the gym teacher to tell her I'd love to help with the after school gymnastics program. We went to Little Fox's classroom and saw some work that he's been doing (mostly drawings). His teacher told us that he's buddies with a boy named Anderson, and that they can get pretty silly; she has to separate them during circle time! I'm not surprised, he's very social!

Here at Foxfield, we welcomed Silver Fox back to our home. We're very happy to have him here. He's been busy fighting the never-ending war against the leaves.

A few days after Silver Fox got here, we had to say goodbye to Nana Fox, as she went back home to NS. She stayed with us all summer, and was a bigger help than we can say. Little Fox loved spending his summer with her, and I really appreciated the help with Little Fox, the house and the cottages.

Red Fox is busy with work and handy-man stuff. He's got the garage cleaned up and cleared out, and is preparing to level Cottage 1... if it ever stops raining long enough. There's a lot to do around here to prepare for winter; with the house and 4 cottages, the list is long.

The most exciting thing I've done lately is make mustard pickles for the first time. LOL I know, not that thrilling, right? But Grand Fox gave us about 10 big cucumbers from his garden, so I decided to tackle my first "canning" experience. They are pretty tasty, and all the jars sealed, so I'll call that a success. I'll be a country wife yet. Eventually...

"De-watering" the cukes in my "pickle tower"
 All Done!

I haven't been running as much as I'd like, or as much as I should be (I ran 5k this morning, though, before the storm comes). I'm quite worried about my endurance for the half in October... I'll probably have to run-walk it, and throw my time goal out the window. My outlook calendar just reminded me that tomorrow was supposed to be my 17k long run... and here I am running 6k as my long runs! arg. so frustrating. The 21st is the Four Fathers race, so I think I'll sign up for the 10k for that and see what happens.

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