Sunday, September 1, 2013

Shine On!

Courteney, author of Runner Girl ( nominated me for the Shine On award. 

Courteney has been very encouraging when it comes to my running, just as she was years ago when we were in gymnastics together!

Here are the rules for this award:
1.  Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you. Check!
2.  Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and a link back. Check!
3.  Share 7 random interesting things about yourself.

  • A few years ago, I really struggled with depression, which manifested as anger. The therapist I spoke to thought it stemmed from post postpartum depression. I was so worried about talking to my doctor about it that after I made the appointment to ask about getting help, I got an ulcer.  I started anti depressants in early December. By mid-January, I found myself smiling in my car on the way to work, and realized I felt like myself again. I weaned off of the pills a few months ago. I still struggle with my temper, but it's not on a constant basis like before.
  • I can fold a fitted sheet so well that when making the beds, I have to unfold the sheets to figure out which one is the flat sheet and which one is the fitted sheet. I often guess wrong. Also, I really enjoy changing the sheets on a bed. Making the beds is my favorite part of cottage cleaning. 
  • I want to run "the big" half marathon in each of the Atlantic provinces, ideally in the same year. Someday. (Anyone know what the big race is in NFLD?)
  • My dream is to volunteer with kids in Africa. This is something I've wanted to do since I was a child. I can't watch the World Vision shows without crying. 
  • I hate running. I mean, the actual sweaty-gasping-for-breath running part of running. But the way I feel just after running, and in between runs, makes it totally worth while. I saw something on Facebook that said "I hate every wonderful second of it" and I think that sums it up perfectly. 
  • I LOVE potatoes. I don't care how they are cooked. Baked, fried, boiled, scalloped, I don't care. But, now that I think about it, I rarely make them. I usually make a pasta or rice to go with a meal. I think I'll have to change that, considering I now live in PEI!
  • I've gone since July 1st without beaking a finger nail. This is HUGE for me. I've always had brittle nails, and they've always been misshapen and ugly. They break SO easily. On Canada Day, I filed them down and painted them. Since then I've filed them almost every other day, and I've been using "Healthy Hoof", which is a protein cream along with cuticle oil and strengthening nail polish. It sounds like a lot of "work" but I don't mind! I've NEVER had nice nails before! 
4. Nominate up to 15 bloggers for Shine On Award, provide a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs.  This one is hard! All of the blogs I follow were already nominated by Courteney! I'll list them anyway. I'll go through my favorites and see if I come across any others!

5.  Copy and paste the award somewhere on your blog. Check!


  1. please teach me how to fold a fitted sheet. i'm begging you. my only "sheet trick" is to put the folded (ha) fitted sheet and flat sheet INSIDE the matching pillow case.

    1. LOL I can do a photo or video tutorial for you.

    2. Also, I put the sheets inside the pillowcase too. it's easier that way, especially for the cottages. I just grab 2 "sheet packs" and go.

    3. that sounds like a video i'd watch. do it.
