This morning, I was thinking about all the ways life has changed since moving to PEI. Other than the obvious, I mean.
1. The smell of coffee in the morning. We never made coffee at home when we lived in NS. Only when my mom came to visit. But now, we made coffee every morning. I love the smell of coffee. However, making coffee BEFORE having coffee is sometimes hard. The other day, the pot was half "brewed" before I realized that I forgot to put the coffee in the filter.
2. Laying in bed in the morning. I get to be lazy in the mornings here. In NS, Red Fox always snored away until I not-so-subtly woke him up. But here in PEI, Red Fox always seems to wake up first, which means Little Fox chatters HIS ear off, allowing me to laze in bed for a bit.
3. Sleeping with Molly-dog. In NS, our bed has a hand-made quilt on it. Made by Red Fox's grandmother. I don't allow Molly to come up on the bed because I don't want her to damage the quilt. I've already had to re-sew some of it, AND had to do a panic-wash... Little Fox got a little enthusiastic when I let him use his milk cup to "cheers!" my red wine. Here in PEI, we're still using the comforters that were here when we got here, so I don't care what Molly does to them.
4. Hearing the ocean. There is a constant background roar of waves. It's not the kind of "shush.... shush.... shush...." sound we get in NS, like at Rissers.
5. Stuff. We have so much STUFF. Five couches... 3 dining tables. So many sets of dishes that some are in boxes packed away. And all this doesn't include the couches, tables and dishes and other stuff that's all still at the hosue in NS. This house is big, but not THAT big. Also, this doesn't include the stuff in the 4 cottages.
6. Walking into doors. Yep. I've developed a habit of walking in the door. Twice this week, I've opened the door to let Molly out... the door hit my foot and I smashed my face into the edge of the door. If I didn't have glasses, I would have had a black eye for sure.
7. A pseudo-social life. In NS, we're at least an hour away from family and friends. In PEI, we have lots of people we can visit, and people who visit us.
8. Playing outside. In NS, we had a large yard, but it was just rocks. Ugly. Here, we have a big beautiful yard. Little Fox plays outside a lot more now. Red Fox and I spend more time outside too.
This is just what I came up with this morning. I'm sure the list can go on and on.
Oh, and just to add a bit to the "negative" points... there's no dishwasher here.
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