Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Busy Week

It's been a few days since my last post. We've had a busy week!

Monday I worked all day and then went to Yoga. Yes, Yoga with a capital Y because I love it. After that, we all went out for groceries. I know that's mundane, but I really love grocery shopping.

I saw the dentist on Tuesday about my jaw pain. He said that based on my giant jaw muscle and the fact that my teeth are (get this) "pristine" he thinks I'm a clencher. A bite plane is 400 dollars, and because of our dental coverage, I'd have to pay this all up front and then get reimbursed, assuming they cover it at all. So that's a wait and see thing, and for now I'll try to focus on not clenching my teeth during the day. If I do it at night, well... not much I can do for now.

Tuesday evening was Little Fox's introduction to kindergarten night at his school. First he had to find his name on a list of name tags and then get his "passport".

There were a bunch of stations throughout the school, and he had to get a sticker at each station. The stations included the health nurse and library, and then he visited each of the 3 kindergarten classrooms for play dough, crafts, and letters.

And THEN... ta-da! A bus ride! He seemed to get very subdued on the bus ride... he says it's because everyone was being loud, but... I think he was overwhelmed. Or disappointed that being on a bus wasn't as exciting as he thought it would be.

That brings us up to today. Some friends from Acadia are coming to stay in PEI and are staying in one of our cottages for 2 nights. I'm super excited about seeing them (they live in the states now, boo)! I'm worried that they will be cold in the cottage (we can't get the fireplace to "start"... probably no propane). We have a space heater in there to see if that will help, and if not, the guest room is waiting for them!

Only a few more days until the Blue Nose in Halifax. The weather forecast keeps switching back and forth from warmish and sunny-ish to cool and rainy. Fingers crossed for no rain!

I think I'm switching up what I'm going to wear. I haven't decided... I'll take a run in my "option 2" and then decide!

I have a few things to do before leaving for Halifax. I'm going to take my own food in order to keep the cost down... I'm taking banana muffins and leftovers... (spaghetti sauce, pizza and chicken breast with veggies) so I have some cooking and baking to do!

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