Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Up and Down

I'm worried that I'm going to crash and burn. I seem to go through this cycle of exercising, feeling good about my self, wearing make up and keeping the house clean, and then crashing... and then the laziness and disappointment in myself start and last until I get so pissed off at myself for being lazy that I start up again. And Usually have to start again from scratch.

I've been running pretty consistently since August of last summer. Even through the winter, I ran. I'm honestly shocked that I've kept it going this long... and that's why I keep registering for races, so that I have to run in order to be prepared for the race. Otherwise, I'm sure I would have given up by now.

I'm eating better. I'm trying to eat less bread/pasta, I'm eating more fruit and veggies (current favorite is roasted broccoli), and I'm paying attention to my body in terms of my hypoglycemia; eating a high-ish protein snack BEFORE my arms and legs get shaky so that I don't end up eating spoonfuls of peanut butter in a panic to get my body back to normal. But eating well is kind of time (and money) consuming, and difficult with a family to feed as well. I'm afraid I'm going to get lazy one day, take the easy way out, and get stuck in that rut of chicken fingers and fries. (Little Fox would be SOOO happy!).

I really hope I stick with the yoga. My problem with "classes" is that I have trouble getting ready and getting out the door... I dread going until I'm actually there. I really hope I don't give in to that "dread" and stop going.

Anyway, I guess my point is that I've been feeling so good that I'm just hoping I can avoid the "crash" part that typically comes after the feel-good part. I love the up part of the cycle so much, and I HATE the down part... so, why do I let myself get to the low point?


  1. You can do this. I know it takes extra time...and it takes extra money...but think of the alternatives...not being around for Little Fox. Think up a reward scheme for yourself...ie) put stars on the calendar for each day you run or do yoga....when you get 7 stars...you treat yourself and the foxes to ice cream or something!! You've got this! Think back to gymnastics and how much hard work those hour and hours of training were...and how some days we just didn't want to be there...but we went...and at competition time...it was worth it!
    I'm here to vent with when you start feeling yourself slip...text me, email me, call me. You are doing great....look ta how far you've come in such a short time span...10k in under a year....that is AWESOME Erin!!!

  2. Thanks, Court. I'm still feeling motivated now, but I'm just wondering how long it'll last. I'm hoping I'll break the cycle!

  3. I can totally relate!!! And I have to say that seeing all your running has helped motivate me! We WILL break the cycle, lol!

    1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Jamie, I so wish I could do the half marathon with you. I'll be there in spirit!

  4. Hey Erin,
    You are doing super! I think you have the running bug as I do, ;)

    I can completely relate to the spoonfuls of PB....although I always regret doing those sort of things instantly afterward, lol.

    The reward comes in how good you feel about yourself after the run or the yoga or the healthy meal. :)

    Keep going!
    Heather :)
