Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend Recap and Race Mini-Recap

What a fantastic weekend.

On Saturday morning, we went to see the sheep. It was haircut day for them. The girl doing the shearing was amazing! She was whipping those sheep around like they were stuffed animals. She got them into positions I didn't think sheep could get in to. The newborn lamb made an appearance too, and Mama Sheep was looking much better after a haircut.
Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? This one had about 1 bag full. 

Newbie with mama

Mama was VERY leery of me. Didn't take her eye off me the whole time. 

This little guy is my favorite.

Caught one trying to escape.

Red and Little checking out some of the wool.

After lunch, Little Fox and I made our first trip into Charlottetown sans Red Fox. This was big for me, because I don't like driving in "new" places. We found our way to the Running Room to pick up race kits and to do a little browsing/shopping/birthday-list-making... *ahem... Red Fox/family.. garmin...*

 I got a small water bottle for my DIY hydration belt (a work in progress).

After that, we found the drug store that our friend works at and dropped on a birthday invitation and bought some make up.  They were doing a fundraiser/awareness thing for cancer, and I got a lot of free samples, and Little Fox got a cupcake. After that, we went shopping at Old Navy (found my favorite jeans on sale for 5 bucks!).

When we got home, we had pizza and a movie. I rented How to Train your Dragon for Little Fox, but it was super scratched and we missed most of it. :( After bed time, we watched Life of Pi. I thought it was beautifully done, and pretty thought-provoking. Red Fox and I discussed  it twice today.

Sunday morning started with a 3k race with my niece J. It was a "birthday" race for the Running Room. Unfortunately, only about 12 people registered; there was a lot of race activity this weekend. It was a nice warm, sunny day; perfect for running. The race started at 9:30 and J was off like a rocket. I caught up to her and joked about how she was pushing me out of my comfort zone. She gabbed and gabbed the whole time we ran... I could only gasp and pant in reply. LOL But we finished in 19 minutes (J finished in 18:59, and I finished at 19:00). It was pretty fun to have such a big cheering section, and I'm really proud of J and glad we did it together. :)  (Note: My niece isn't really faceless. She has quite a pretty face, actually. But I didn't want to post photos of her online without her and her mom's consent!)

Hmm... where are the other runners? (See our cheering section?)

Oh. Here they are. All 6 of them. 

Here we come! I wish you could see the grin on J's face! :) 

After lunch, Red Fox's mom (who is visiting for the weekend) took Little Fox to Summerside and to visit some friends/family. While they were out, I sewed and sewed. I hemmed a pair of tights into shorts, made a pair of shorts from scratch, and almost completed a new running shirt. Photos to come when it's complete (Mom, I might need your help/direction to finish it off). I also got my bike out of the barn, tweaked the breaks and went for a few short rides to test things out. Cross training!

A great weekend all around.

1 comment:

  1. You had a great the above running pic as both your feet are off the ground...true runner form!
