Saturday, May 11, 2013


I'm trying SO HARD to have a good day, but things just keep getting the best of me and I'm grumpy.

It started off well. Little Fox and I went to the flea market in Kensington. I got a new-to-me purse and a Far Side book, but my best buy was a running skirt for 2 dollars! I was chatting with the woman who was selling it, and she asked my name. When I told her she said, "Oh! Is your last name Fox?" and I was like... um.. yes...? "Guys! guys!" (gesturing to the 2 ladies next to her) "This is Erin Fox!" "Oh! Erin Fox! Hi!"  It was very strange! I felt like some sort of celebrity. They had just seen my name on some running related emails and had been wondering who this new person was.

When we got home, Little Fox broke the dvd player.

The plumber came to open up the cottages, so yay, I can do more laundry and cleaning! haha

I took Little Fox into Kensington again this afternoon to go for a bike ride on the trail. He's having trouble catching on to biking... but apparently it's because his bike isn't working right (Sorry Dad!). It was a gift from my dad, and it seemed to work fine last summer, but this summer there's something wrong with it, and it's making it hard for Little Fox to pedal fast enough to get his balance. So while we started off hopeful...

 (Yes, I did have my helmet... I just hadn't put it on yet)

We were a little dejected on our way back.

On the way home, we saw the baby boxes, so I pulled over and got a few pics with my phone. I'd like to get some pictures with my real camera cause they are just so cute!

3 babies

mama fox and 2 of the babies

We also stopped to check out the boats. We pass these boats every day, but never really got close to look at them. 

Little Fox had lots of questions and was kind of amazed that the boats have a "below" and that people can sleep there.

My mom is on her way to BC to visit my step-family. I hope they all have a good visit, and I hope the girls like the gifts I sent!


  1. Erin, it looks like you live in such a beautiful place! I can't believe you saw those cute little baby foxes....that would be awesome. The only wildlife I saw today was a fast squirrel on my

    1. It IS really nice here. I don't think seeing foxes will ever get old! I love it! I'll miss the deer though... no deer on PEI!

  2. I didn't know there weren't any deer on PEI. I had one dart in front of me last year on a run...scared the jumpin's out of me.

    Isn't it exciting when someone recognizes you? I want pics of the new running skirt.

  3. I didn't know there weren't deer in PEI. I had one jump out in front of me on a run last year. Scared the poop out of me.

    I want a pic of the running!!!!

    1. I didn't know either until Red Fox told me. He said that now and then one will get stranded on the ice and float her, but other than that, none! Which, apparently, means no ticks. But I'm not sure I believe that one yet!

  4. No ticks? That part I would really enjoy!
