Friday, May 10, 2013

Wine Run

So I sat down for supper tonight and I'm taking my last sip of wine when I remembered that I was planning on running this evening (you can tell what my priority was tonight!). So I waited a bit and ran anyway. Just a quick 4k. Long run planned for this weekend.

I test-ran my planned outfit for the Blue Nose. Home-made running skirt with home-made shorts underneath. And my newest addition to my Home-Made collection, a new arm band to hold my phone.I LOVE this arm band. I found the tutorial at Fehr Trade and when I read through it, I couldn't visualize how it worked. I made a cotton mock-up to be sure I was doing it right, and when I made the spandex one, it was PERFECT. OK, maybe a tad bit loose, but not loose enough to fall down, and having my phone in it tightens it up enough to make it just right.

My next problem to tackle is that my ear buds keep falling out. It was fine in the winter cause my hat/headband kept them in. I think I'll just make a simple narrow hairband and wear it over my ears instead of behind. I'll also be able to tuck my braid in it too, to keep it from whipping around.

Also, I FINALLY got confirmation that I have a ride to the Blue Nose! YES! So relieved! And excited. :) Can you tell? :)


  1. See you on race day

  2. Good call on testing out your race outfit! I'm hoping to try mine out on my run tomorrow. I (kind of stupidly) bought new shorts that I'm hoping to wear, so I have my fingers crossed they'll work out ok.

    I'm so impressed that you're able to make all of your running gear! How does the armband you made close? Is it velcro or just a fixed size?

    Glad to hear that you can make it over ok! Not much longer now :)

    1. The armband is a fixed size. I basically just measured my arm, divided it by 2 (cause there are 2 pieces) and added seam allowance. If I make another I'll make it slightly smaller. I used it on a run and on my bike and it was great both times!

      I'm excited for the blue Nose! I know it'll take me a long time to finish (like... I'm guessing an hour 15 cause of the hills), but I don't care. i just want to run and be involved!

  3. I tried out my running outfit on Monday and I'm happy with it. I was a little worried that my new sneakers wouldn't be broken in enough to be comfortable but even on my first run they felt great! Maybe I'll see you there on Sunday!
