Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Physiotherapy update

A successful appointment, I think.

I explained the problem, and he did one little test that showed him all he needed to know. I sat on the edge of the table, with pen between my knees. rotated my lower legs out to make an upside-down V, and had to try to keep him from pushing them back together. No problem with my left side, but my right side was like nothing, no resistance.

My right hip is very weak, and my IT band is a "little tight". He thinks that somehow (possibly when I had the hip/pelvic pain during pregnancy) my body stopped using that muscle, and now my brain just doesn't bother to engage it anymore. That makes my hip drop when I'm running, which makes my knee get pushed inward a little on each step.  He (Kevin) gave me some exercises to do with a band, showed me some foam roller stuff, and I'll go back tomorrow for ultrasound or stretching or something.

He said that I can keep running, but I have to keep my mileage down to about 5 or 6k per run, no more than 3 times per week. I'll have to ask him tomorrow when I can start increasing it again. That might be a "wait and see" kind of thing. He is confident that I'll be able to do the half, possibly not completely pain-free, but less pain than now. He thinks that at the end of all this, I'll be a better and faster runner.

So after tomorrow, I'll go back next week, and then probably won't have to go back for another few weeks, as long as I keep up with the strengthening stuff at home.

So, good-ish news.


  1. I think that's great news Erin! You must be relieved that it's nothing serious. :)

  2. Great news Erin!! Keep up with the exercises as I find that when I stop mine...that is when I run into trouble!!
