Sunday, August 4, 2013

Training Recap: Week 6

Tuesday July 30

I planned to run today, but life and such got in the way. Red Fox leaves today for a month, and we had things to do. In the evening, we went to see my niece play soccer, and I planned to run when we got home... but it was dark out by that time!

Wednesday July 31

Ugh. A terrible awful no-good run today. Red Fox left last night and will be gone for the month. My mom-in-law is going out for dinner tonight, so I knew I wouldn't be able to fit a run in tonight before dark without her being here to look after the boy. So I decided I'd sneak one in during my workday... I can't RUN after dark or without a babysitter, but I can work. And it's only about 30 minutes. I made up the time this evening after bed time. :)

Anyway, it started out awesome, I ran down toward the beach, and felt good and speedy. Then I turned around and headed back and I just couldn't catch my breath. It was almost a wheeze. Then I started feeling sick. I think it's cause I didn't hydrate very well at all. I had planned to do 5k, but I was lucky to get 4k. I almost stopped at 3, but the big hill was right there, so I figured I could at least run down the hill! 

Distance: 4 km
Time: 25:48
Average Pace: 5:41/km


1 - 5:39
2 - 5:59
3 - 5:49
4 - 5:19 - I don't believe this one. I mean, sure it was downhill but I felt like a zombie. 

Thursday August 1

Thanks to Mom-in-law, I got to go to Yoga tonight! I needed a good stretch, and I think I'm going to need the mental break that yoga provides this month!

A 5k is on the schedule for tomorrow. Tomorrow evening looks like it'll be cool-ish. 

Friday August 2

I had a great run this evening. Thank goodness. The terrible-no-good-awful run on Wednesday had me discouraged. But tonight was a perfect night for running. Overcast, cool, and very quiet; while I was waiting for my Garmin to lock, I could hear something moving in the woods across the road. Most likely a fox. I really tried to concentrate on the great things about the run... the water, the wild flowers lining all the roads, the birds singing and swooping (not AT me this time!) and even the marsh-at-low-tide smell, which most people think is a bad smell, but I kinda like it. Reminds me of summers at the beach with my family.

I thought about how running is going to be my escape this month while Sea Fox is away. It will be the only time that I'm not responsible for anything but the run. No phone calls, no cottages, no demands. I felt like throwing my head back and my arms wide, to revel in the freedom. I didn't though, because then I'd look REALLY crazy.

I also thought about how I was taken aback by a conversation I had with the Cottage 3 guests the other day. I said "Well... I run"... but I didn't say "I'm a runner". I mean, I'm training for a half marathon... that makes me a runner, I'd say. I wonder why did I make it seem like "oh, you know... I dabble in running now and then". La-di-da.

Distance: 5 km
Time: 28:24
Average Pace: 5:40/km


1 - 5:41
2 - 5:48
3 - 5:43
4 - 6:02 - TDH
5 - 5:09 - I really felt like I was "in the groove" for this last km, after getting up TDH. But I'm doubting this time. 

Sunday August 4

Today was my long run. 11 km... the furthest I've ever run. I did not prepare properly, and I paid for it! I had to go to Summerside today and treated Little Fox to McDonalds. I was halfway through my McChicken when I remembered I had to run. Well, crap. I finished the burger and had about 1/3 of the fries. 

I got dressed and got the logistics of "babysitting" sorted out, and off I went. I felt ok the first 2 km, and then hit the big uphill on the "highway" at km 3, and that drained me. My legs were... tired. I paused a few times (paused my garmin too, so the times shown below are the times I was actually moving), and walked a little bit. I got a stitch at the end of km 4, which lasted a long time... I ran 6 km out, and 5 km back, which helped me avoid TDH. The way back was actually better... but all the downhills on the way back helped.

By the 9th km, I ran out of water/gatorade, and my right leg felt like collapsing each time I took a step. My calves were super tight, too. 

Lesson learned. I did it though! Wasn't pretty, but it's done!

Distance: 11 km
Time: 1:08:42
Average Pace: 6:14/km


1 - 5:56
2 - 6:19
3 - 6:16
4 - 6:01
5 - 6:32
6 - 6:30
7 - 5:43 (nice downhill!!)
8 - 6:42
9 - 6:42
10 - 5:43 (another downhill)
11 - 6:16

Like I said before, the times shown are the times I was actually moving. I stopped a few times to fix my fuel belt (it's hard for me to get used to it), stretch out the stitch or my legs, and just breathe, and paused my Garmin when I did so. But I kept it going whenever I walked. 

There's an 8k race this week, on Wednesday evening I think, which I might go to. It was on my schedule, so we'll see how the week goes. 


  1. Great job on the long run ERin! You must feel so proud.

    I think you should give the 8km race a try. It's quite a unique distance to race and I'm dying to have a go at another one. :)

  2. Great job on the long run should be really proud of yourself. It feels great to go a new distance, doesn't it!!!!

    Do the will be a PB as it will be your first 8k race. :-)

  3. Congrats on your long run! It's good to have hard long runs - helps you get through the tough parts of a race :)

    I'm also getting used to using a fuel belt for the first time. I was expecting to have wear it lower on my hips, but found it was more comfortable around my waist. It's annoying to have to stop and fiddle with it but its nice to have some water for the long ones!
