Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bike Rodeo

I took Little Fox to the Kensington bike rodeo this morning. I wasn't sure if he'd enjoy it, but it was great! Lots of stations, lots of enthusiastic and encouraging police officers, and a LOT of kids on bikes. No one got hurt, as far as I know, but there were some near misses! I think kids are in much better control than adults give them credit for!

While we waited for everyone to get registered, the kids just milled around on their bikes.

Then they had all the kids line up according to grade, and they did a bike inspection. He got 19/20 on that one... he lost a point because his bike didn't have a bell on it. His bike doesn't have a bell for my own sanity. It would never stop ringing! The officer commented on what a great bike Little Fox had, and was surprised to hear that it was a cast-off that my dad fixed up. Actually, I told a few of the officers that, and they were all very impressed and surprised, saying they never would have guessed. One of them said (jokingly) "well, as long as it wasn't stolen!" and Little Fox replied "Nope, no stuff stealers here!"

The next station was the balance station, where the kids had to keep their bike on a line as they rode along it. Little Fox kept saying "I don't think I can do this one!" but he did it perfectly! The other stations included zig-zagging around cones, braking and turning using their hand signals, and a figure-eight. He got perfect scores on everything and ended up with 99%. After that, there was a bbq with hotdogs. They also give away bikes, but I'm not sure what happened with that cause we stuck around until the police left, and no prizes were given out. *shrug* Little Fox got a brand new bike for his birthday (big enough to last a few years), so he certainly doesn't need one!

Thanks to the Kensington police and other volunteers!