Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer Schedule

So... here's my training schedule for the Half at the PEI Marathon. Seems intense... what do you guys think?


  1. Looks good Erin! I think you can definitely handle that. Just remember that your Saturday long run needs to be done at a slower pace than you plan to run the race. This will prevent injury and help your body learn to dip into your fat stores and use them as energy. Fast running does not allow the body to do that as efficiently.

    Good luck!

    1. Oh! Ok. I knew I am supposed to run it slower, but didn't know the reason why (other than injury prevention). Thanks!

      I just need to find a good strengthening routine, especially for my triceps... they get so tired when I run.

  2. I find it hard to run back to back days which is why I space out the runs...If you can do back to're flying! Remember that core workouts are important to as those abs will help you greatly as the distance grows.

    Can't wait to follow your journey.

    1. Yeah, I'm not sure about running back to back. It was supposed to be 5ks on monday and tuesday, but I changed tuesdays to 3ks haha.

      I ran yesterday, and I actually WANT to run today. I might go for a 3k run after supper.

  3. You've obviously caught the fun!!!!
