Sunday, June 2, 2013

Catch up and Race recap

It's been a while! I've been busy! This past week, I had to be in NS for meetings at the office. I stayed with a coworker, and had a blast. She and her bf are great and funny people. I got to meet Joey, their new-ish dog, who loved to steal my stuff, right out of my bag. He's a great tug-of-war dog, though! I also got to visit with some mommy friends, and I got in a run around Colby loop (5.5 k).

I came back home on Thursday, and that day a university friend arrived to stay with us for a few days. D and I lived in the same residence, and became quite good friends. I've been trying to show him some Island-y stuff. I took him to Cavendish, where we saw a fox and collected shells on the beach.

We also went to Cows Creamery for ice cream and a tour. The tour wasn't as "interesting" as I expected, but the only make ice cream on certain days, and only in the summer. However, I didn't realize that they make their tshirts there as well. They also make cheese (delicious!) and butter. 

Today, I ran in a 5k fundraising race for the College of Piping dancers. They are going to a competition in Quebec, I think. Anyway, I wasn't really in the mood to run, and haven't been running much since the Blue Nose. But I registered anyway. I wore my home made running skirt and a shirt that I found at Old Navy that matches. I loved the skirt, but I wore my shorts under it and I found them hot. 

The race, which was an out and back course on the crushed-rock trail, started at 5 pm. There was a 5k and a 10k, which started at the same time but in different directions. That caused a bit of confusion, but we sorted it out. 

I didn't feel great during the run... I guess I just really wasn't in to it. I was expecting to get a PB on this run, since it was a flat course with no hills. But I stopped to walk a few times, and didn't have the motivation to keep going. I started out strong, and was the lead female for about 2 k... but them people started passing me and I just couldn't keep up. The run back after the 2.5k turn around was worse! I felt like I did terribly, but still finished as the 3rd female and in 30:16.

This one makes me laugh... looks like I'm levitating.

Ok. Hopefully we'll be back to regularly scheduled programming after this short blogging hiatus. Although summer is pretty much here and that means it's cottage season... busy! I hope.

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