Monday, June 24, 2013

Headlights and soccer

Little Fox got mail today! Grand Dad sent him a little package, and inside was a light that clips on to the brim of a hat. It shines bright white lights, with a second setting that makes the 2 outside bulbs change colours. We tried it on his new fedora (i love the way it bends his ears!), but it didn't fit right. So he clipped it on upside down. It will be perfect for walking down to the fireworks on Canada Day!

Little Fox had soccer tonight, and afterward we went for ice cream because it was SO HOT. I went for a 3k run (first of the half marathon training... recap to come at the end of the week), and then sat under an umbrella for the rest of the practice! Those poor kids must have been boiling out there.


  1. Can't wait to follow your training. Yay to little fox and soccer!

  2. Oh yum! That waffle cone looks delish.
