Saturday, June 29, 2013

Training: Week 1 Recap

Day 1: Monday June 24

The first official day of training! I decided to run while Little Fox was at soccer. I also chose to do 3k today and 5k tomorrow for two reasons. First, I ran 6 yesterday. Second, it was REALLY hot. The "Feels Like" temperature was 32 or something like that. So, hot and humid.

I started at the high school and went down Victoria to where the centennial trail crosses. Then took the trail down to what I call the train station (really a pub, a few little shops and the liquor store... but it's shaped like a train station, and there's an old train engine just beyond the building) and a bit past that. The 1.5k turn around was just past the Frosty Treat. The first 2 k weren't too bad... it was hot, but there was a bit of a breeze blowing on my face. But the third km was slow going. No breeze, and I was sooooo hot. I hate breathing in hot air. I feel like it isn't as... "oxygenated" as cool air. I walked a bit, and then had to wait for cars at 2 crossings. I won't lie, I didn't mind the waiting!

Distance: 3 km
Time: 19:25
Average Pace: 6:27/km

1 - 6:05
2 - 6:06
3 - 7:12

I have my alarm set for an early morning run tomorrow. It's supposed to thunder tonight, so hopefully it will be cooler tomorrow morning!

Day 2: Tuesday June 25

It didn't thunder last night, and it was 20 degrees at 6:15 this morning... with a "feels like" temp of 26. I got up at 6, ate a "rolled up peanut butter sandwich" (which is what Little Fox calls one slice of bread with pb, folded in half), had some water, and got dressed. I was out the door at 6:30.

I ran from home, down to the beach, back up to where the pavement turns to clay and then back toward the beach for a total of 5k. That made the first km downhill, the middle 2 kms uphill, and the last 2 km downhill. The hills are very slight, but enough to make me work in the middle of the run, and to allow me to go faster at the end. According to google earth, over the 2k from the beach to where the clay starts, the elevation goes from 3 m to 41 m, and it's a consistent grade.

It was hot, my legs were heavy, and it was a battle of will to keep going. I walked for a few seconds at the 3k point. Just long enough to wipe my face and take a few deep breaths. The last km was... satisfying. I ran fast, but the km felt like it was lasting forever (how many times can I look at my Garmin in 1 km!) but I wanted to finish strong.

My feet hurt a bit. The balls of my feet and my toes feel (and look) a little swollen. I have blisters on my second toes, but I've had them since I started running, pretty much. I used the body glide on them this morning and it seemed to help.

Distance: 5k
Time: 29:26
Average Pace: 5:52/km

1 - 5:58
2 - 6:11
3 - 6:24
4 - 5:43
5 - 5:08

Day 3: Wednesday June 26

Today was supposed to be another 5k, but the bottom of my foot is hurting so I took the day off to rest it. Last night I iced and soaked it, but it was still sore today... like a bruise on the ball of my right foot. Tomorrow was supposed to be yoga day, but it's cancelled. :( So I'll do the 5k run tomorrow and get back on track.

Day 4: Thursday June 27

Woke up at 6, got dressed and out the door at 6:30. Ran from home to the end of River Rd and then straight across the "highway" until I hit 3k. Stopped for a few deep breaths and then headed back home. I hoped that my garmin would show 5k before I hit that hill, but it didn't, and had to run about 300 m up the hill.

I felt good this morning. It was nice and cool out, about 12 degrees and overcast. I actually ran the first half km with a sweater on. I didn't eat anything, but I felt better during this mornings run than during Tuesday's morning run. But maybe it was the temp, and not the food intake. My foot doesn't hurt (yet) and I taped my toes; they don't hurt much so I think it helped!

Distance: 5k
Time: 29:29
Average Pace: 5:53

1 - 6:04
2 - 5:45
3 - 6:07
4 - 5:43
5 - 5:46

Day 5: Friday June 28

Fridays are scheduled to be rest days. However, since I didn't run on Wednesday, and yoga was cancelled yesterday, I should have done something today. I was going to find a yoga video online, but we got a surprise visit from Red Fox's brother, so we sat around and chit chatted instead.

Day 6: Saturday June 29

I slept until 8 this morning and then did today's scheduled run. I got dressed and filled the bottles for my fuel belt. I haven't used it yet, but I figured I'd better get used to it as my runs get longer and the weather gets hotter. It's not too warm out (it was about 18 when I left), but it is MUGGY. I didn't eat anything this morning... I was going to have a banana, but someone ate it last night!

I ran from home, down the River Rd and then toward the Anne museum. I felt... average. It wasn't a great run, but it wasn't my worst either. My arms were really tired this morning, and I had to keep letting them drop down straight by my sides, which looks funny, but gives them a rest.

Distance: 7k
Time: 44:18
Average Pace: 6:19

1 - 5:57
2 - 6:29
3 - 7:30 -->  I had to stop to tighten my water belt, take my hat off (looped it on my belt) and fix my hair (twice)
4 - 5:55
5 - 6:05
6 - 5:45
7 - 6:35

I feel like my pace per km is all over the place, but there are so many hills around here!

Looking forward to Day 7: Sunday June 30

Strength and stretching is on the schedule for tomorrow. I'm going to try the 8 min ab video that I saw linked on Girl Goes Running, as well as some arm stuff. I'm looking forward to doing a good stretch.


  1. Great recap Erin....just remember that the longer runs are meant to be slower...especially as the distance builds! Use the shorter runs as your speed work.
    8-minute abs is wicked....the push thru's kill me every time so I sometimes substitute a 45 second plank.

  2. Yeah, I tried to run slower! I did! LOL I find it harder to run slower, if that makes any sense!? My legs get more tired, and I find that I kind of "sit" into my stride...

    I am sure once the distance increases, I'll be much slower! LOL

  3. Erin, I enjoyed following your training through the week the way you've laid it out. Sounds like you're right on track. :)

    The fuel belt took me some getting used to as well. You will be thankful for it though, especially in the hot humid Summer days!

    1. Do you wear your at your waist, or lower on your hips?
