Friday, June 21, 2013

Dog teaches Fox how to Downward Dog

I set up my camera last night to take some pictures of myself doing a few yoga poses... I wanted to see the poses from different angles to see if I'm doing them right. Note to self... next time, don't wear that baggy shirt.

I had an audience, of course... the dog and Little Fox. Obviously, Molly thought I needed a downward dog demonstration...
No, no no, you're doing it all wrong. Straighten your back, stretch through the shoulders! (At this point, I was laughing too hard)

After that, Little Fox wanted me to take some pictures of HIM doing yoga. Check out that beatific expression in the first image! LOL

Today, we had 2 pretty decent thunderstorms... short, but loud, with one big flash of lightning that made Red Fox dance (I wish I had that on camera!). After the second one, I looked outside and realized that it was still raining pretty hard, but it was sunny. I went out to get some photos...

And saw this. I don't know WHY I get so excited about things like this. I saw it, and yelled for the boys to come see it. Red Fox said he thought something terrible happened, and he went to see "what happened" to Little Fox before coming outside. I'm sure the whole community heard me!

 I think it ended right in the Bay.


  1. Love the dog doing yoga with you and the beautiful rainbow. Looks like you have one amazing view! :)

  2. Wow, your pics are awesome! I love the downward dog with dog. :)

    1. It's not hard to take a good picture with such great subject like Little Fox and the scenery around here!
