Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My fastest 4k yet

I had a little... "altercation" we'll call it... with a co-worker today. Confrontation makes me anxious, so I had a little bit of latent confrontation adrenalin to burn off.

Also, Heather says that today is National Running Day. So, off I went.

I tried to push my pace a little, and it took me 21:38 to run the 4k from home to the end of River Rd and back. That's about 5 and a half minutes per km.

Beautiful day for a run. The lupines are starting to bloom, and I can smell the lilacs along my route (my favorite!).

This weekend I'm running in the runway run at the Charlottetown airport. I'm pretty excited... while I know there won't be planes taking off or anything while we're running, I love the general excitement of an airport!

I'm thinking of running the half marathon at the PEI marathon this year. On their facebook page, they asked for bloggers who would be willing to blog about their training. I emailed and offered to do so, (I love to, actually!) but didn't get a reply. :(  Anyway, I have a few weeks to decide before the 12-week training (Hal Higdon's program) would have to start. Although, knowing me, now that I have the idea in my head, I know I'll just keep thinking about it until I just do it!


  1. Wow Erin, you were really clicking along for your 4km....way to go!

    I hope you will love Hal Higdon...I'm sure you will. His plans have worked the best for me, but I know that everyone's different!

    I'm doing the full marathon at PEI. I hear great things about that race.

    Happy National Running Day!

  2. Erin, you are killing the must share your secret with me on how you've increased your pace/km so quickly.

    I'm doing the Hal Higdon 1/2 program right now and do not find it that difficult to follow. I have given myself some leeway in case a week doesn't work out, then I can repeat a week or so.

    Great job on the's totally addicting and I think you've caught the bug!

    1. I almost died at that pace... LOL

      What Hal Higdon 1/2 training did you choose? I assume you chose a novice one... novice 1 or 2? It worries me that the Novice 1 program doesn't really get very close to the full distance at the end... 10m for novice 1 and 12 for novice 2. Thoughts on that?

      I'm going to ask for a water belt for my birthday on the 13th... and I'm going to have to read up about gels and such during runs.

  3. I converted mine to KM's and only goes to 16k - so Novice 1. Like I said...I started mine early to leave myself room so I think I'll be running further than that. If you ask Heather, the most she ever ran is 16k leading up to her first half. They say after that it's just another 5k....yea...right!

    I do have a water belt and a handheld bottle as well but suck at hydrating. I have not had any Heather is the better one to ask. I know you should take them with water...but that's about it. You should like Hal Higdon's facebook page, he keeps in contact with his fans and answers any, and all, questions.

    So glad you are pushing yourself further!!!!

    1. Yeah... I am thinking of either doing an extended version of the novice 1 program or going right to the novice 2 (but I don't want to push too hard too fast). I just dont like the idea of "only" doing 16k before doing a "full" half! I think that if I didn't train for it, the last few kms would kill me.

      I'm worried about drinking and/or using gels... I don't usually do it during my regular running, and I took a few drinks during the Blue Nose and they made me nauseous. And made me have to burp which totally screwed up my breathing.

      Side note: my lungs are still burning from my run today. Never again! LOL

  4. Nice pace!!! And very exciting for the 1/2 marathon. We can 'train' together. I can email you my training schedule if you'd like.
