Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Bunny Hop race recap

We got up early and got ready to go to the Bunny Hop race in Charlottetown. We got Little Fox up, fed and dressed and I had 2 scrambled eggs with the plan of eating a muffin on the way. Of course, I forgot the muffin, so I asked Red Fox to stop at Tim's on the way and get me one. I ran in to go to the bathroom (I don't know if it was because I legit had to pee, or if it was just nerves), and when I came out, they were still in the drive thru line. I ran over to the truck, slipped on the ice and fell. Awesome. Red Fox asked if I was ok, other than my pride. I put on my bunny ears and asked "really, you think I have any pride?"

Anyway, we got to the race start line. I got Little Fox dressed up in my race shirt so he could run his 300 m race.

But then I realized we missed it. OMG I almost cried. Not because I thought Little Fox would be disappointed  but because I was really looking forward to seeing him race! If I had been a little more familiar with the area, I would have known that his race was on the street on the other side of Dairy Queen. :(  Oh well, he got a free ice cream anyway. Next year, I suppose. :(

I got in the 5k line up and got my headphones in. ready to roll. 

I wonder when I'll stop feeling like an impostor at races. Maybe when/if I have a running partner or friend to run with... I was standing in the middle of the crowed, looked over at Blaine and said "I'm lonely!" 

Anyway, all of a sudden people were moving. Oh, the guy said GO... oh. well then. I better start running. It was REALLY disheartening to have about 100 people pass me in the first 100 m! So many people passed me that I actually looked back to see if there was anyone else back there. I found my pace and held on as long as I could. I stopped to walk maybe 2 or 3 times. I saw the last km marker so picked up my pace a bit, but this "old man" passed me. I was like, THAT's encouraging... but then I saw that his jacket said "Boston Marathon" and decided that I wasn't too bothered after all. FINALLY I turned the last corner, saw the finish line and started actually RUNNING. I saw Red Fox Little Fox and my dad watching, and crossed the finish line with an unofficial time of 30 minutes. 

We're now all back home. Red Fox and dad are napping. Red fox is playing legos. And I'm having a tea. 
UPDATE: Official race results are in. Finally. I wasn't on the list at first... but once I sent them a link to their finish photo showing me and 2 other people finishing (they were on the list, but not me!), they updated it.  I placed 119th out of 183, with a time of 29:59. That's 52nd out of 180 women. That's a 5k personal best!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

Yesterday should have been a run day for me... but I wasn't feeling well so I didn't go. Tomorrow is teh Buny Hop race, so I didn't run today either.

My dad arrived yesterday just as Red, Little, and I were sitting down to pizza and a movie (Shrek 2). Excitement ensued as Little fox greeted Grampy, and as Molly greeted Oshie. 

Little Fox woke grampy up this morning at about 10 to 7. We all got up, and I made fun of Oshie for a bit... as usual. she's so little..! 

After breakfast, Red Fox and I went for a drive and left Little Fox at home with grampy. We found an open grocery store, and had some chocolate and Tims. When we got home, Grampy made french toast while I played around with some natural dyes for easter eggs. I thought it would be fun for Little Fox to see how things we eat can make things change colour. 

We used red wine, spinach (boiled), turmeric, beet juice, carrots (boiled), blueberries and coffee. Most of them worked REALLY well, especially the beet juice. The carrots and spinach were a big fail though. That's ok. The yellow turmeric one was really nice too.

I finished some a sewing project today. I made a TARDIS sleeping bag thing for my step-niece, who isn't feeling the best these days. I'm hoping this will at least help her feel cozy when she's resting. 

We had turkey dinner minus stuffing (So really, what's the point?). Little Fox ate every bite, brocoli included.

Tomorrow Little Fox is running a 300m race, and I'm running a 5k.  

Oh, here's a pic of me helping pack the trailer when we were packing up... 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

(Emotionally) Moving Day

Yesterday was Moving day, and it was... moving. I didn't think I'd be as upset about leaving that house as I actually was. It's the first place we brought Little Fox to.

 First time in our house

 First Christmas

 Cooking in the kitchen

 First bath in the big tub

 Some of his first steps

 Playing outside

Anyway. We got to packing. Here's what was left in MY side of the closet... A towel (just-in-case), a pair of jeans, and my dresses that I didn't want squashed.

And what was left in Red Fox's side... about 30 shirts to add to the billion he has here at Foxfield, some still packed in boxes!

Red Fox and his dad (from now on called Silver Fox) moved all the big stuff while I put things in boxes.

They were sure we could get it all in one trip... but I didn't think so...  and I was right. The trailer was packed tight, but there is about one truck load of stuff left. Red Fox will go get it this weekend.

Bye Nova Scotia house.

I think that is one of the reasons I was so sad. I officially do not live in Nova Scotia anymore. I'm a Bluenoser... with no place in NS.

Monday, March 25, 2013

This week's plan

We can finally (FINALLY) get our things from our old house in NS. We're heading over to Porters Lake later today. I'm SO excited to get our furniture! It means we can remove some of the stuff that is here. I will be able to sleep on a bed that doesn't have springs poking me in the ribs. I will be able to sit on a couch that is clean (ok, so if it's not 100% clean, at least it's OUR dirt, and not from some unknown person). So the plan is to get our stuff, come back hopefully tomorrow, and then spend the week putting things in place.

I'm a little sad about the house... it was Mackenzie's first house... but I think Foxfield is his first HOME. We really do love this place.

Other than work, and moving, I have a few sewing projects that I have to complete before Easter!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

It started out so well...

I had a great run this morning. 8k. This is the first time that I've been able to convince myself to keep going. I had some pain in my foot and in my hip. The pain in my foot was the pain I get quite often in the ball of my foot... in the big joint of my big toe. The hip pain is lingering but it's just a sore muscle.

We're having some trouble today with Little Fox, whining and being mean to Molly. He just spent the last 5 minutes being "upset" under his bed.

Yes, mom... I know. He gets it from me. Good thing he doesn't have a closet...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Library Surprise

This morning, I went to Frenchy's. Ahhh... it's been a long time since I had a frenchy fix, and it was a pretty successful trip. A nice jacket, some bermuda shorts, and some running stuff. When I got home, I took Little Fox to the library. At the very back of the library, almost blocking the emergency exit, there was a book shelf of books they were selling for fifty cents. I'm always looking for a bargain so I looked through them and found a good one. Cloud Atlas. Recently made into a movie. Score.

When we got home, we read about 6 of Little Fox's 16 borrowed books, and then I put in one of the borrowed movies and settled in with Cloud Atlas. Opened the front cover, and...


Autographed. And after an extensive google search, I'm 99.9% sure it's authentic. My first autographed book, and it cost me fifty cents. 

While I was out this morning, I got a pair of goggles for Little Fox. I let him use them in the tub tonight. It took some convincing (read: splashing and yes, pushing his face under... LOL) before he'd believe that he wouldn't get water in his eyes. He "pretty much" loved them. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some laundry, wine and an episode of The Tudors calling my name. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Race Schedule

So I've come up with my race schedule for this season. I can't do all the races I wanted to do, because of either money or time. For instance, I wanted to do the Fredericton race, as well as the Halifax Blue Nose, and Charlottetown races, but I just can't fit it into my budget and time. I might have to veto the Blue Nose as well. The first races to be "cut" were the ones off-Island... when you add gas and the Bridge fee (42$), it adds up. Especially if the race is early in the morning and we'd have to stay the night.

- 20 - Run Without Borders - Halifax

- 5 - Charlottetown Birthday Bash - PEI
- 19 - Blue Nose - Halifax

- 15 - Deltaware 5k - PEI

- 1 - Canada Day Run - PEI
- 6 - Boardwalk Boogie - PEI
- 10 - 20 min Challenge - PEI (free!)

- 7 - Grahams Rd (Campbell Memorial 8k) - PEI (SUPER close to home)
- 16 - Gold Cup Trot - PEI
- 25 - Fido 5k - St. John NB (SO excited about this one... It's a race for dogs!)

- 21 - Four Fathers - NS (This is the one I'm most looking forward to. It's beside the wind turbines... Andy, you in??? 5 or 10k, your call!)

- 20 - PEI Marathon
- 26 - Halloween Hustle - Kensington PEI

I have a few others (off-Island) on my calendar that I can add at the "last minute" if I have the funds. Fredericton  Amherst, Pictou, Valley Harvest, etc.

So... the only thing on my birthday/mothers day/whatever other holiday gift list... Money for races. Or a bridge pass. Or hotel money. And for Christmas? New sneakers for next year.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Quick Run

I went for a quick run this afternoon, River Rd in a half hour. 

Here's my favorite part of the River Rd. This big downhill. This hill makes me run like kids do, when they run just for the sheer joy of running. Don't hold back on the hills!

We took a drive out to Red Fox's dad's, to drop off the trailer for him. Little Fox went for his first real ride in his "new" booster seat. I put new in quotes because it's the same seat he had before, but the 5-point harness can be removed for use as a booster. I'm not 100% comfortable with this... although I know he's perfectly safe this way, I feel like the 5pt harness is safer. There's a reason race car drivers have harnesses. But really, the harness was a pain to buckle up. We have another seat that I left the harness in, which we will use for longer (highway) trips. 

While we were at Grampy's, Red Fox filled the back of the truck with more wood. Little Fox helped unload it while I went running, and he did an awesome job. He'd take the wood to the tailgate so Red Fox could take it into the barn. He's getting an extra 30 mins of xbox game time because he was such a good helper! 

Take the chance

I have to run today. I haven't run in days... thanks to the wonkiness in my brain (which has now gone away, thank God!), the weather here, and just life in general (not bad things, just busy things). We just got a snowstorm, and according to the weather network another is on the way for tonight. However, Env Canada says just some flurries. Which one to believe? I better take advantage of this afternoon's "clear and +3 degrees", just in case the weather network is right.

For now, though, work. I'm doing a very tedious job today (digitizing lines in ArcMap), which is just fine by me! I don't mind. :)

Speaking of take the chance... Yesterday, I worked all day... and all day long Little Fox asked me to play with him and I had to say no. :( So at bath time, I jumped on the chance to play with him. I got into my "bay-bin-suit" (as he calls it) and got in the tub with him. The look on his face was priceless. It was like it was my best idea EVER. We played cars, and then Little Fox practiced dunking his head/face in the water. He does that funny thing where he closes his eyes, plugs his nose, takes a deep breath and holds it before he even starts moving his face toward the water. By the time his face gets close, he has to gasp for air! I think we'll take him swimming next week...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Little Fox has begun negotiating with us. Here's an example from a few minutes ago:

Little Fox: Can I go play xbox?
Me: Nope. You know the rule. You've had your hour already.
LF: If you let me play...
Me: Nope.
LF: No Mommy,  I didn't finish! If you let me play for ONE MORE HOUR, I'll take you to McDonald's and let you have a hamburger.
Me: Tempting. But no.

A few weeks ago, he said that if I let him play his game, he'd "let me" play outside with him.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Growing up

Little Fox is growing up!

Today, he took a shower... I went in with him, wearing my bathing suit (he's pretty aware of "the differences"...)  He's scared of the shower, for some reason, and I think it's about time that he learns that there isn't anything to be scared of. He "cried" for the first few minutes, (making the sounds, but no tears), and was very reluctant, but after a bit he calmed down. He let me wash and rinse his hair, and once he figured out that if he turns his back to the water, he won't get water in his eyes, he'd step into the water all on his own.

He also peeled carrots for supper tonight. After a quick lesson from me, he took over and did a great job.

And the biggest thing was that we got school mail today! We got a letter saying that they will be doing his early years evaluation in April.

This is the first time that I've ever been all teary over "my baby growing up". Other moms I know cried when baby started walking, or cry on each birthday... not me. But this... this is a big step. And it's not a sad feeling for me. It's... pride? excitement? I know he's ready for school. Really, the only thing he has trouble with is remembering the number 14 when counting to 20, and rhyming words. If I ask him what rhymes with something, he'll give me a word that starts with the same letter, instead of a word that ends with the same sound. Anyway, I know he's ready, and he's so adaptable and outgoing that I think he'll have no trouble with the pretty drastic life change. At least, I hope he won't.

In other (unimportant) news, we had roasted hotdogs for lunch today. We had a fire going, and the coals were so perfect for roasting that I couldn't pass it up!

I'll leave you with a picture of our pretty dog warming up beside the fire.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Post of Ice and Fire

Sorry, George R. R. Martin. I don't mean to steal your series title, but this is actually what we did yesterday. Well, ok, it was fire and THEN ice.

(Side note... this is a non-sewing post. Yes I know, stop cheering.)

Yesterday, we went to Red Fox's dad's property because he was burning the brush he had cut, and he wanted someone there in case it got out of control. No worries there, everything was a bit wet, and things were hardly burning without a little... encouragement. Which both scared and amazed Little Fox! And worried me, since I am my father's daughter, and I know what can happen... (Dad was a week short of coming to our wedding with no eyebrows or eye lashes).

When we got home, Little Fox and I went to the beach just down the road from Foxfield. We had fun checking out the big hunks of ice on the beach, and collecting shells. We even tasted it to see if it was salty! (I try to be a science geek mommy when I can). Also, I'm a geologist... we are known for licking rocks and colouring.

(hey mom... remember those fossilized raindrop imprints....)

After the beach, we played cars. "Playing Cars" means just sitting with Little Fox while he picks up every car and says any of the following:
- Wanna hear this guys engine, Mommy? Vrooooooooom!!!
-  In the game, this guy and this this guy are in a crash-up, and get all jammed.
-  What does your kid think of THIS guy mommy? (um, well... you tell me!)
-  Look at this guy's engines! (While pointing at the exhaust pipes)

 "Vroooooooom!!"  I LOVE this face!

After saying (at least) one of the above things, the cars all get "parked-ed" in a very orderly line up. The typical scenario is that they are all going to visit at "my dude's house" or "my buddy's place" and they all park in Buddy's driveway, get out of the cars and say "Hey dude!"  

Now, this mornings excitement all began with Molly laying on the kitchen floor, scratching at something underneath the cupboard. You know that 3-inch gap between the bottom of the cupboard and the floor? Yeah, in there. We assumed that it was a tasty morsel* that we dropped and didn't notice... until Red Fox got down to check it out and SURPRISE it was a BAT. OMG. I'll admit I shuddered and gagged a little. We put Molly outside, cause we were worried that this bat had whatever bat disease is "goin' 'round" here on the Island. Of course, by this time, the poor bat was pretty roughed up, thanks to Big Bad Molly. Red Fox picked it up (with gloves on, of course) and it was about this moment that I seriously considered getting Little Fox and hiding in the bathroom in case it started flying around. But then I realized that I'd have to come out of the bathroom eventually, regardless of flying bats. Anyway, the little bat's nose was black and had no indication of "bat cancer". Threat neutralized (or will be shortly) and crisis averted.

*  Note to my brother - omg "tasty morsel"... why does that make me think of you, and why do I find it so funny?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Home made running gear

I made myself some running sleeves the other day. Basically, I cut the sleeves off of an old shirt and tightened them up. They are not technical fabric, but I'm going to get some (my favorite way of getting fabric is at used clothing stores. I buy things that are made of fabric that I like, and then cut it apart) and then use these sleeves as a pattern to make more.

I didn't add thumb holes for 3 reasons. One, because I don't really like them, and 2, because these weren't long enough. Also, because I was using sleeves from an existing shirt, the wrists were already hemmed, and I was going for "quick and easy".

So first, I turned my shirt inside out and I cut the sleeves off as close to the shoulder seam as I could get.

Then I slipped the sleeve over my arm and used pins to mark how tight I wanted the sleeve and how long.

I sewed that side hem and tried the sleeve on again a few times to get it "perfect". Once I had it as tight as I wanted it, I wrapped some non-slip elastic around my arm, cut it to length, and zig-zagged it on.  And then I was done. Ta-da!

I also made a running skirt. Again, I used a shirt I found at Frenchy's, and cut it up. I used the original hem, and the neckline happened to be the perfect size to fit my hips. I cut the shirt straight across under the arms, and tried it on at hip level. I pinned the sides to fit, and sewed. Then I cut the neck band off of the shirt, and pinned it to the top of my new skirt. I almost messed this step up... make sure you're pinning things the right way! Anyway, I caught my mistake, and it fit perfectly when I tried it on! It's a little longer than i wanted, so I'm going to add some "ruching" on the sides to shorten it up and add a little "prettiness". Yeah.. Erin and pretty clothes? That's something new! I couldn't wait until the warmer weather to try it out, so I wore it over my pants. LOL the skirt might be pretty, but that doesn't mean I'm fashionable!

Also, the yellow headband? I made that too. :) I used a shirt that I was going to throw away... I cut the bottom off and looped it around once to fit around my head. The first time I used it, it wouldn't stay flat to cover my ears (it's so windy here... even when it's warm, the wind hurts my ears... my mother would say I'm soooo delicate). After that, I twisted it twice to make the front a little different, with the seams lined up in the back. I stitched down the seams and then stitched a line down both sides, just in front of where my ear would be. That made it lay flat over my ears. 

Can you see that little line of stitching??

I've also been thinking about making some shorts... I downloaded the instructions for a pattern and using the little diagram and through trial and error I think I "made" a useful pattern. It'll be the first thing I've ever made using a "real" pattern. Usually I just wing it.

Other than the shorts, next on my running-gear-sewing list is "sweaty bands", which are velvet lined head bands. The velvet is non-slip. For these, I'm using fabric from my high-school prom dress... (hi mom!), and leftover fabric from whatever I'm making to wear so I can be matchy-matchy. Also, a few more skirt/shirt "makeovers" and a hydration belt.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Enough is enough.

When will this dizziness end? This is the 4th day. Also, why is it worse when I'm sitting than when I'm doing something?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


We have a serious river running down our property today! The land is sloped from the field behind us to the road. All the run-off from the field is rushing down our yard, past the swing set, through the trees and onto the road.

Oh, and it's supposed to rain for the next 3 days. (please don't freeze... please don't freeze)

I ran the river road twice today! I stopped at the golf course because their dog was trying to follow me when I went by the first time, and I didn't want to deal with that again, so it was "only" about 7 k. It took me 46 minutes. Next time, I'll do the full 8k. I can totally do it. I'm still running 10 and 1 (run 10 mins, walk 1 min), and walking up most of that giant hill, but I'm having no trouble doing the full 10 minutes, and I run further up that hill every time.

Also, I think I'm going to end up the "home made runner". I've made some sleeves already, and I have some sketches for turning some of my old shirts into running skirts, shorts and shirts. :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Fox and the... skunk?

Today's sewing project: 

From this pattern via Pinterest

I'm officially nervous about running along this road now. We saw one of the skunks today. He was just out for a stroll along our road, and then cut across a field, heading toward... our barn. I hope he's not in there!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Productive Sunday

I am SUPER dizzy today. Basically, any time I turn my head or shift my focus, my head spins. I was going to run this morning, but thought I might run myself into a ditch. Red Fox and I had our coffee in my sewing room today. Little Fox came in to play while we sipped and chatted. I decided I'd make a pillow for Little Fox using the fabric I bought the other day, and an old pillow. When I was little, I made this little latch hook butterfly that mom turned into a pillow. I used the batting out of that, and since I wanted to be able to wash the pillow cover, I took the batting out and made a case for it out of black cotton. Then I made the outer case with an overlapping back panel so it can be removed. I think it's the neatest sewing project I've ever done. Neat meaning non-messy. 

After that, Red Fox asked me to make a cushion for his workshop stool. I used foam from an old kitchen chair cushion, and cut it to shape. I made a cushion cover out of some thick navy fabric, and some Toronto Maple Leafs flannel I had. I even attached 4 ties. It turned out a little loose, but I'm pretty happy with it, considering it was trial and error, and my first attempt at something like that.

Red Fox went through some of his clothes today (he needs a much bigger closet than I do!) and I grabbed one of the shirts he was going to get rid of. I remade it into a skirt for me. I kinda love it!

After all the sewing, I was feeling pretty good, so decided to go for a short, slow, run with Molly Dog. I had a few dizzy moments, but over all I felt ok, as long as I focused on the road just in front of me. Just as I was by the golf course, a lady walked by and stopped me. Her name was Hughina, and she said that she had just seen a skunk "by the cottages down there". She meant OUR cottages. Awesome. She said that she's seen 3 or 4 in the area. I guess Molly won't be spending much time outside!

On that note, here's a Little Fox quote. (He calls skunks "stunks") "Mommy, in my game, the stunk was caught in a trap, and farted his stunk-ness everywhere!"

Just before supper time, our friends A and LA called and invited us for dinner. Little Fox played video games with J, and we all had a good visit.

All in all, a pretty good day!