Saturday, March 23, 2013

Library Surprise

This morning, I went to Frenchy's. Ahhh... it's been a long time since I had a frenchy fix, and it was a pretty successful trip. A nice jacket, some bermuda shorts, and some running stuff. When I got home, I took Little Fox to the library. At the very back of the library, almost blocking the emergency exit, there was a book shelf of books they were selling for fifty cents. I'm always looking for a bargain so I looked through them and found a good one. Cloud Atlas. Recently made into a movie. Score.

When we got home, we read about 6 of Little Fox's 16 borrowed books, and then I put in one of the borrowed movies and settled in with Cloud Atlas. Opened the front cover, and...


Autographed. And after an extensive google search, I'm 99.9% sure it's authentic. My first autographed book, and it cost me fifty cents. 

While I was out this morning, I got a pair of goggles for Little Fox. I let him use them in the tub tonight. It took some convincing (read: splashing and yes, pushing his face under... LOL) before he'd believe that he wouldn't get water in his eyes. He "pretty much" loved them. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some laundry, wine and an episode of The Tudors calling my name. 

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